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The CellSave

Display of items to prepare for a newborn baby. Onesie, bottle, other essentials

What to Prepare for a Newborn Baby

Ahh, the big day is almost here! Whether your due date is months away or days away, it’s crucial that you are prepared for your baby’s arrival. You most likely have thought about how the big day will go, making a mental checklist of what you have and what you still need. Mental checklists are […]

stem cells

Stem Cell Viability: Why the time between collecting and banking stem cells is so important

Parents choose stem cell banking for their baby to be protected in the future. By banking their baby’s valuable stem cells from the cord blood, it creates an opportunity for the whole family to treat several blood disorders, cancers, immune disorders, and metabolic disorders. The most valuable stem cells come from the umbilical cord blood […]

HLA Matching Explained

Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) are protein molecules found on the surface of the body’s cells. They make up a person’s tissue type and play a crucial part in the way the immune system reacts to and protects against foreign cells/substances. For anyone who requires an allogeneic (donor) stem cell transplant, a successful outcome is largely […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Saria Francis

This month’s Featured Mum, Saria Francis, is originally from Lebanon, a political sciences addict, and a digital creator. Couple of days ago, Saria celebrated her first child’s birthday Luca, she is overwhelmed by watching him growing up fast. She wishes her child the best life imaginable & have the best dreams that will wake him […]

Safe skincare during pregnancy

The body is full of surprises during pregnancy and our skin is no exception. For some, the pregnancy glow is real, whereas others struggle with issues such as itchiness, dryness, acne, and discoloration – or even a combination of it all! As if those changes weren’t enough, it can be hard to know what products […]

stem cells

C-section recovery

Generally speaking, the number of Caesarean sections is on the rise worldwide. According to The Lancet[1], rates had increased from about 16 million births (12%) in 2000 to an estimated 29.7 million (21%) in 2015. In several GCC countries, including the UAE, Lebanon and Bahrain, the number of c-section births is higher than the global […]

Protect your family
with newborn stem
cell storage

Join the millions of families that are taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve their powerful newborn’s stem cells at birth.