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Featured Mum: Lama Alem

Lama Alem is a mother of newborn twins and a toddler. She posts on her social media very frequently about her tips and experience as a mother of 3. Currently she is a full-time content creator and a social media influencer sharing modest fashion inspiration, travel and lifestyle with her audience. She is also a regular speaker at various events and aspires to conquer the media world including TV.

We caught up with Lama to hear how she’s getting on as a Mum of three and how she’s managing to still find time to work.

How did you first hear about banking stem cells?

Actually I heard about it when I was pregnant with my eldest son Adam, but at that time I was a new mom and didn’t have much experience. I was overwhelmed with so many things and so I sadly lost the opportunity to store the stem cells, but with my second pregnancy I came across CellSave while doing some research on the topic. When I contacted them I learned so much information about stem cells storing and the importance of this procedure in depth.

Why did you bank your child’s stem cells?

Knowing the benefits of storing child’s stem cells and that it cures more than 80 diseases in the future (God forbid), made me realise that this is one of the best gifts I can give to my children. I do care a lot about the health of my babies especially since I delivered two at the same time! Even though I didn’t store for my eldest child, storing his siblings stem cells means he has a much higher chance of a match should he ever need it.

How has your life changed since having your children?

Once I delivered my first baby, my life has totally changed a lot and I cared the most about my baby but now with 3 children the responsibility is even bigger. I am so happy to be a mother despite all the challenges and difficulties and I think it’s all worth it. A smile from any of my babies makes my heart full of joy and happiness.

Tell us about your children. How old are they, what has your favourite moment of their development been so far?

I have Adam, 3 years and a half and I recently gave born to twins, they are 2 months now and recently they started recognizing my face and I feel they are following me with their eyes wherever I go which makes my heart warm.

How do you balance work with being a Mum?

I left my full time job during the last month of pregnancy (which was really tough carrying twins), and now I am excited to become a full time mom and freelance blogger. I’ve chosen this path to give me the opportunity to spend more time with my family and at the same time do some side projects for the sake of my personal development.

Why is it important to you to carry on working?

Time flies so quick and I feel I should always do some work for the future of my family and my career development. Being a social media influencer, I always aim to inspire my audience and I won’t stop creating useful content for them by all means.

What advice can you give to first time mums?

Read a lot and experiment with your child because not all babies are the same. Be patient and always remember that your child’s health comes first.

Have friends or family been encouraged to store cells because you did? 

Yes definitely a lot! I received loads of messages on Instagram when I posted the video asking me about the procedure and wanted to know more and plenty of them are willing to do the same upon after learning about the huge benefits behind the procedure.

Protect your family
with newborn stem
cell storage

Join the millions of families that are taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve their powerful newborn’s stem cells at birth.