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The CellSave

Pregnant woman with cup of coffee.

Can I Drink Decaf Coffee While Pregnant? A List of Do’s and Don’ts

Congratulations! You’ve found out you’re carrying your bundle of joy and are excited to meet them. However, you know you have to make some lifestyle changes between now and birth, including cutting down on coffee. Naturally, you might be wondering, “can I drink decaf coffee while pregnant,” and you’ll be happy to know that the […]

A pregnant woman sitting on a couch before taking an acetylcysteine tablet.

Understanding Effects of Acetylcysteine in Pregnancy

For expecting mothers, maintaining good health and being conscious of what they consume is a common practice that reflects on the well-being of their newborn child. With how common headaches, body pain, and overall discomfort can be during pregnancy, it is unsurprising that pain relievers in the form of acetaminophen are widely consumed to combat […]

Lab technician in the process of cryogenically freezing newborn’s stem cells after collection.
stem cells

Cord Blood Laws in the UAE For Private Banks

If you are expecting a child, chances are you have heard about newborn stem cell banking. Whether you are thinking about preserving your newborn’s stem cells or know someone who has, there is a lot of information to know about the process. For example, what are the costs and benefits of private stem cell banking, […]

Beautiful luxury baby shower with balloons, garland and cake and stacked blocks that spell out BABY.

How To Throw A Luxury Baby Shower For The Mom-To-Be

I’m not sure about you, but as a thirty-something-year-old woman, I have been to at least a dozen (and a half) baby showers in my lifetime. They come in all shapes, sizes, and themes, but the goal is always the same: to celebrate the mother-to-be and to shower her with gifts for the baby. Some […]

Pregnant woman prepares breakfast for herself by pouring a glass of milk and having fresh fruits.

Nutrition 101: What is The Best Breakfast For a Pregnant Woman?

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and while that is true for most, it is especially important for expectant mothers. Not only does eating breakfast give you the energy you need to start your day, it also helps you stay full and focused until lunchtime. But if we know anything […]

Woman sit indoors close up focus on hands holding pregnancy test, waiting for results.

Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms: A Checklist

Early pregnancy symptoms can be difficult to recognize and understand for first-time mothers. In fact, most women are under the impression that the first sign of early pregnancy is their missed period. However, plenty of other minor signs are often overlooked as potential early signs of pregnancy (before your missed period). Today, we will take […]

Protect your family
with newborn stem
cell storage

Join the millions of families that are taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve their powerful newborn’s stem cells at birth.