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The CellSave

4 UAE Influencers Share Their Stem Cell Stories

Over the years we’ve welcomed lots of well-known faces into the CellSave family, and have been privileged to share their journeys into parenthood through our Featured Mum profiles. Hear what these five ladies have to say about storing their newborn’s stem cells and some of their most precious moments of motherhood. Diana Al Nabulsi, mum […]

Cord Blood Awareness Month & Stem Cell Treatment Today

In 2019, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion made July Cord Blood Awareness Month. At CellSave, we strive to be at the centre of stem cell technology, working with the medical community to provide ongoing support for innovative stem cell treatments. Over the past 20 years, we have successfully collected and preserved stem […]

The incredible power of the placenta

There are a lot of reasons to be excited about the month of July as it’s Cord Blood Awareness Month. Now a lot you may not be aware of the latest research on the subject but to put it simply, studies are showing that newborn stem cells can save lives and the primary source for […]

Stem cell storage and sickle cell disease

Friday 19th June is World Sickle Cell Awareness Day. This annual event is an opportunity to increase understanding, as well as recognising the vital role of stem cells in treating the disease. Currently, a stem cell transplant is the only known cure. What is sickle cell disease? Sickle cell disease is the name for a […]

4 Reasons to Bank Cord Blood

Newborn stem cells have incredible healing capabilities; they work like a “bio-repair kit,” helping to repair and restore tissues and replenish other cells. A single cell can replicate and become many cell types, making them essential to human development. When you cryogenically freeze the stem cells in your baby’s cord blood, the process preserves them […]

8 tips to improve your fertility

If you’re planning to have a baby, the chances are you’re looking for ways to maximise your fertility and make the process as stress-free as possible. Providing you don’t have any diagnosed fertility problems, most couples are able to get pregnant within six months to a year, and there are things you can do to […]

Protect your family
with newborn stem
cell storage

Join the millions of families that are taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve their powerful newborn’s stem cells at birth.