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featured mom

Featured Mum: Nicole Lovelock Mears

Nicole Lovelock Mears moved to Dubai with her husband five years ago and it’s been a busy time in the sun ever since. As well as focusing on her career as a training manager, Nicole is a recognisable face thanks to her popular blog She Dined in the Sun. Plus, the couple welcomed their daughter […]


The top 10 pregnancy myths busted

Being pregnant is a wonderful time but it can also be confusing. Your body is changing in so many ways and it can start to feel like it’s no longer your own. Add to that an ever-expanding list of things that you should or shouldn’t do and it’s enough to send your stress levels soaring! […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Youmna Ghaziri

Youmna Ghaziri is a full-time Mum and activist. When her oldest daughter was eight she developed a rare genetic condition, Erythromelalgia. Also known as Man on Fire disease, the condition is characterised by intense burning pain of the extremities, severe redness and increased skin temperature that may be episodic or almost continuous. Its occurrence, which […]


The truth about due dates

Finding out you’re pregnant is a wonderfully happy moment and, as soon as they’ve got over the surprise, one of the first things many parents-to-be do is work out when their little one will arrive. Due dates can be calculated by two different methods. In the nineteenth century, a German obstetrician Franz Karl Naegal suggested […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Sophie Bogdis Gamble

Sophie Bogdis Gamble is a successful business owner and mum of three children. Sophie started her business, Special Occasions, Party Planning and Events 9 years ago before she met her husband and had her family. Now she juggles running her business with raising three children aged 5 and below. We caught up with Sophie to […]


Twins and Stem Cell Storage

Double the trouble, double the fun; everything you need to know about stem cell banking when you’re having twins. When you’re pregnant for the first time there are so many new and exciting things happening it can seem like a whirlwind. If you’re having twins, it’s even more of a life changer. There are so […]

Protect your family
with newborn stem
cell storage

Join the millions of families that are taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve their powerful newborn’s stem cells at birth.