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How to choose the right doctor to deliver your baby in Dubai

Choosing a doctor at such an important time of your life can be difficult. Especially if you’re originally from a country where choice of doctors is not an option, it can be confusing knowing what questions to ask and understanding what to look for when making your decision. However, it’s important to get it right […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Soha Taha

Soha Taha is an Egyptian influencer, designer and mother. Born and raised in the UAE, she has over a million viewers across her social media. Soha inspires her followers with her modest fashion styles and shares her lifestyle with them. Soha’s designs have travelled across the GCC, Africa, and have also reached as far as […]

How to help Dads bond with a new baby

It’s not just mums who can struggle after the arrival of a tiny newborn. Having a baby is a major life changing event for both parents and sometimes Dads can feel left out with all that Mum and baby snuggle time that’s going on. Here’s how to help your partner bond with your precious new […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Dana Ahmed

Dana Ahmed, called Dee by her loved ones, is a 30 year old fashion blogger with a BBA in International Business. Born and raised in Abu Dhabi, Dana is one of the most relevant influencers of the Emirati capital. She started with her blog in 2015 and has since collaborated with iconic brands such as […]


Everything You Need To Know About Delayed Cord Clamping

There are many terms bandied about when you’re pregnant, some are easier to figure out like, vaginal vs Casearean birth and premature labour, whereas others are a bit more mystical, such as Delayed Cord Clamping (DCC). A report by JAMA Pediatrics cited that 4 year olds who had experienced delayed cord clamping had improved fine motor […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Stephanie Hall

Stephanie Hall is a specialist in the luxe living industry. After spending several years as Director of sales and marketing at the luxury lifestyle group, Quintessentially, Stephanie branched out on her own in 2015. She now assists individuals with all aspects of their lifestyle. With a global black book of contacts, Stephanie has access to […]

Protect your family
with newborn stem
cell storage

Join the millions of families that are taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve their powerful newborn’s stem cells at birth.